korpus. – klub, galerie
Husitská 23, Praha 3
Korpus. je multifunkční místo, které bude pravidelně hostit vizuální umělce, djs, performery, tanečníky a další hosty.
Multifunctional space / contemporary arcade / pop up club venue / art / music / events / concept club.
We are prague III. based creative collective that has settled in korpus. – the multifunctional asylum for any cultural activities – in order to create the base as the meeting place between art, design, photography, music, any non/gender and non/existence activity reaching beyond on a national scale and international level.
Telefon | 775 112 436 |
korpus.place@gmail.com |
Středa + Čtvrtek 17:00 – 02:00
Neděle: 15:00 – 01:00
Ostatní dny zavřeno.