Hotel Eurostars David
Náplavní 6, Praha 2
Eurostars David Hotel
History and design in a genuine Bohemian, 19th century palace for enjoying a truly luxurious and comfortable stay in the most beautiful capital city of the continent
A trip to Prague is never just any trip. It is always a trip with class, with history and romanticism, because the very essence of the city so demands it of us. The Eurostars David is accommodation that meets the demands of a city like Prague. It is a hotel with history, having lived through innumerable happenings and, at the same time, a hotel with a renewed, youthful spirit which nowadays shows in its interior design a perfect merging of the classical with the latest in avant-garde trends.
Telefon | 222 516 150 |
info@eurostarsdavid.com |
Nonstop, výstavy pro vážné zájemce pouze po předchozí domluvě.