Vernisáž výstavy Synchronicity 2: Nurten Yüksel & Christine Gaughran
Pouze do 29.11.2016 bude v Běhal Fejér Institute – Prvorepublikové vile, Pevnostní 8, Praha 6, přístupná výstava Synchronicity 2: Nurten Yüksel & Christine Gaughran.
Výstava Synchronicity vychází z prolnutí uměleckého zájmu dvou umělkyň, které se potkaly na rezidenčním pobytu v severovýchodním Thajsku v roce 2014.
Inspirací k představené tvorbě se stala jejich první návštěva Asie, konkrétně Thajska.
V jejich díle se objevují osobní zkušenosti s thajskou přírodou, místní zvyky a tradiční pohostinnost, po objevování jazyka.
Synchronicita nekončí, nadchází čas k zamyšlení se nad sledem nepravděpodobných náhod, které ovlivňují nás i naše okolí.
This exhibition, Synchronicity 2, is based on the intersection of the creative interests of two artists who met each other at a residency in northeastern Thailand in 2014. Inspiration for the staged creation came from their first visit to Asia, and specifically to Thailand. Their experience of nature, local customs, traditional Thai hospitality and the language all informed their work. The exhibition theme is also correlated to the main aim of residency programme in Sam Rit: cultural enrichment with the support of dialogue, and acceptance of, and by, local people and their culture. The installation therefore represents perceptions of the spirit of home and of myths, and is influenced by local rituals.
Nurten Yuksel is an international visual artist who was born in Turkey and has lived in Prague, Czech Republic since 2006. She works with various media from video performance, drawings, and sculpture to mixed media installations. Her artworks deal with her own identity and the identities of places and the exploration of nature, the environment, and different cultures around the world. She infuses new experiences into her original content. Nurten received a MFA from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in the Conceptual Art Department (Prague, CZ) and a BA in Istanbul, Turkey at the Marmara University Fine Arts Faculty.
Christine Gaughran is based on the West Coast of Ireland; she graduated with BA (Hons) in 2012 from DIT Sherkin Island, West Cork, followed by MA in 2014 at Crawford Art College in Cork City. She has exhibited in numerous group exhibitions in Ireland, Wales and the UK and shown her videos at the Fastnet Short Film Festival in Ireland. By using various media her work is always exploratory, often focusing on our relationship with place, and with the natural world.“