Vernisáž výstavy obrazů Jamie Fisher: Acting Without Acting
Do 2.7.2015 bude v Artěl concept store, Platnéřská 7, Praha 1, přístupná výstava obrazů Jamie Fisher: Acting Without Acting.
Třicetiletá Jamie Fisher pochází z kanadského Montrealu, do Česka se přistěhovala v roce 2009 kvůli studiu. Teď tu pracuje jako grafička, ilustrátorka a malířka.
Jamie Fisher is a Canadian artist living and working in Prague. She studied Illustration and Design in Montreal before moving to Prague in 2008, and has recently completed her Bachelors degree in Fine Arts Experimental Media at Prague College.
The show features a series of finely detailed portraits – primarily depicting elderly men – executed in oil on board. Ranging from animated to nearly expressionless, each remarkably lifelike image offers intriguing visual clues about the personality of its subject.