Vernisáž výstavy obrazů Barbory Dohnalové: Shadowplay
Do 23.3.2018 bude v Baru No.7, Na Struze 7, Praha 1, přístupná zajímavá výstava obrazů Barbory Dohnalové: Shadowplay.
Barbora Dohnalová je jednou z výrazných studentek ateliéru Malířství III Michaela Rittsteina na AVU.
„Maluji především akrylovými a zřídka olejovými barvami na plátno. Nejvíce užívám středních formátů, se kterými se mi pracuje nejpohodlněji. Mimo malbu se věnuji ilustracím a perokresbě.“
Barbora is a painter and an illustrator, also known as Barbara von Grim. She’s been fully engaged in painting since 2007, when she began her studies at an art highschool. She’s currently studying at AVU (Academy of Fine Arts) in Prague at an atelier (a studio) of professor Michael Rittstein. In her most recent years, she has been focusing on oil and acrylic painting techniques. She also does pen and illustrations, that have appeared in several book publications.
Barbora is most interested in painting interiors – halls, domestic rooms, long abandoned places, or monumental libraries, that are challenging mainly because of the perspective . Also, Barbora likes to paint the architecture from the outside, the exterior, inspired mainly by the architecture of rural United States, from Victorian colonial mansions, to simple wooden houses and desolate farms and barns. Her paintings aim to capture nostalgia, peace and somewhat silent loneliness.
Barbora’s paintings are very closely connected to literature. The mood, the atmosphere and the surroundings are likely to reflect a book she’s reading. Inspiration comes mainly from Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien or H.P. Lovecraft, writers who employ dark and mysterious atmosphere, even horror.