Martin Fryč
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Vernisáž výstavy Miroslav Živković – malíř z Niše (součást VIII dnů Srbské kultury v Praze)

1. 11.-20. 11. / Galerie ABF / Malba

Do 20.11.2017 bude v Galerii Nadace ABF, Václavské náměstí 31, Praha 1, (vzadu v průjezdu) zdarma přístupná výstava Miroslav Živković – malíř z Niše (jako součást VIII dnů Srbské kultury v Praze).

MIROSLAV ŽIVKOVIĆ, MA (1972) graduated in 1996 at the Faculty of Arts in Priština, where he finished his postgraduate studies in 1998. He was elected in title of the Associate Professor for the subject the Evening Nude in 2010 at the Faculty of Arts in Niš. He has exhibited 34 times and collectively more than 150 times in the country and abroad. He has won several awards for painting and participated in more than 50 colonies in the country and abroad. He is the founder of the Art Colony of Divljane in Bela Palanka. As an associate of the National Museum of Niš, within the team of prof. Franc Curk and Mile Simić, he worked on a conservation of the movable monuments in the monastery Hilandar (1993-2002) in 15 campaigns per month. In the period 1992-1999, as an associate of the Regional Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage, he worked on a conservation and a restoration of the icons and frescoes in several monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija. He has been an associate of the National Library of Bela Palanka and a member of the redaction of the Proceedings of Bela Palanka. He is currently at doctoral studies at the Faculty of Arts in Niš.

Fotografie z výstavy

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Vernisáž výstavy Miroslav Živković – malíř z Niše (součást VIII dnů Srbské kultury v Praze)