Vernisáž výstavy akademického maliara Milana Valáška: Návraty
Do 14.2.2020 bude ve Slovenském domě, Soukenická 3, Praha 1, přístupná zajímavá výstava obrazů Milana Valáška: Návraty.
„Playfully composing means that not everything is clear from the beginning. The picture grows by the act, it develops itself, in which it provokes coincidences and leaves space for surprises. You have to be open to change the conception several times and let happen what wants to arise.
While painting, like by all other creative acts, we are not acting alone when something good is achieved. Suddenly there is something, like fallen from the sky (They say, one was kissed by the muse). But you must always fight and have patience and prepare it so that these precious moments can mature. On the canvas appear lines, dots, areas, that through a continual interaction creates a meaningful content, which one may not been known at the beginning. In the end, I am often surprised by my own work.“
Milan Valasek was born on 18 October 1947 in Nitra, Slovakia.
1963 – 1967 Arts and crafts school for commercial graphic design and photography in Bratislava.
1968 – 1974 Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava (2 years at Prof. Cemicky, 4 years at Prof. Hloznik, Brunovsky, Dubay)
Diploma as an academic painter.
Professional practice Slovakia:
1975 Founder of the Fo-3 photo clubs in Bratislava and numerous photo exhibitions.
1976 – 1977 Art teacher at the polygraphic school in Bratislava.
1977 – 1978 Art director in book publishing „slovak writers“ in Bratislava.
1979 Freelancer (graphics, illustration, photography and painting)
Professional practice Switzerland:
1981 Freelance art teacher. Foundation and management of the gallery Valdan in Basel.
1981 – 1988 External staff of the City Theater Basel as a background artist.
1989 Independent artist, graphic designer and photographer.
Art teacher in Olten, Zofingen, Magden and Rheinfelden.
Všechny fotky z výstavy i vernisáže: Petr.