Martin Fryč
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Vernisáž výstavy AEON

Do 19. 2. 2022 bude v Garage Gallery Karlin, Vítkova 7a, Praha 8 – Karlín, přístupná zajímavá instalačně-objektově-malířská výstava AEON.

Tomáš Kurečka
Štefan Tóth
Tereza Zelenkova
Martin Pondělíček
Šárka Koudelová
Dana Sahánková
Roman Štětina.
Featuring the Baroque painter Giacomo del Po
Curated by: Maximilian Colloredo-Mansfeld
Support by: Piotr Sikora
Sponsored by: Anglo-American University
The AEON exhibition invites you to step into a collision of time where the past meets the present.
The AEON addresses the issue of time-obsessed isolation within the art world and rejects the confinements of stylistic eras. It instead invites the past to be part of the present and vice versa.
A radical metamorphosis might take place as the visitor faces the encounter of the Baroque painting Apotheosis by Giacomo del Po with the contemporary art of its successors: Tomáš Kurečka, Štefan Tóth, Tereza Zelenkova, Martin Pondělíček, Šárka Koudelová, Dana Sahánková and Roman Štětina. Standing face to face with the after-effects of its existence, the baroque artwork seems more vulnerable in the light of present criticism and admiration. This vulnerability lets us reflect on its historical value and propose an alternate narrative of our past thanks to the help of contemporary art.

Fotografie z výstavy

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Vernisáž výstavy AEON