Vernisáž skupinové výstavy Preliminary sadness
Do 6.3.2016 bude v Karlin Studios, Křižíkova 34, Praha 8, přístupná skupinová výstava Preliminary sadness.
Jedná se o jednu z výstav k 10 letům a ukončení činnosti Karlin studios.
Filip Dvořák & Martin Kolarov
Dominik Gajarský
Marek Meduna
Lenka Vítková
Nik Timková
& promítání / screening of Jasper Spicero
Kurátor: Michal Novotný
Sometimes she was just sad. You know, that I am like this, would be the only answer, when I insisted to explain me why. Once I made her a scene. I put pressure on her, threaten her I will leave, spoke about the NECESSITY to open and speak in reference to our LOVE. She stayed even more firmly silent.
If you marry, you will regret it; if you do not marry, you will also regret it; if you marry or if you do not marry, you will regret both; whether you marry or you do not marry, you will regret both. (…) This, gentlemen, is the sum of all practical wisdom (…) for the true eternity lies not behind either/or but ahead of it.
Wrapped in a coat with tears in your eyes?
Well, take that coat, babe, and throw it on the floor
Are you the one that I’ve been waiting for?
This exhibition is about sadness without any reason, or rather a preliminary sadness, sadness advanced to the reason, as for sure in the future there will come some cause to be sad.
It is both equally posture and honesty, both celebration and execution. From its time placement it is already clear it belongs only to the young. It’s somehow the gratuitous violence we commit on ourselves, but also the immature maturity of abandoning the absorption into the care for life before we even fully understand we have it. Preliminary sadness is contradictory, it brings first what should come after. However precisely this refusal of causality makes it be the only true sadness, not a mere reaction.