Vernisáž Silvia Vezzuto, Antonio Cossa, Alessandro Tomaselli: Should I stay or should I go?
Do 26.7.2018 bude v Domě národnostních menšin, Vocelova 3, Praha 2 (u I.P.Pavlova), přístupná výstava obrazů, fotografií a instalace Silvia Vezzuto, Antonio Cossa, Alessandro Tomaselli: Should I stay or should I go? Všechny fotky z výstavy i vernisáže: Petr.
we are all travelers of life …
all at least once we had to ask ourselves the question:
should i stay, should i go?
existential question first of all,
the answer is personal and nobody can judge it
we often choose to leave our home, which is 10,100,1000,10,000 km…
we become emigrants …
… there are those who travel with dreams, those who travel by any means,
there are those who travel desperately, some for money, some for love.
all those who go, in all times and places share the same strength in the heart:
and the same weaknesses:
nostalgia and fea