Vernisáž Michael Rowland: Infinity bits
Do 27.2.2020 bude v Galerii Gambit, Husitská 86, Praha 3, přístupná velmi zajímavá výstava obrazů a instalací Michaela Rowlanda: Infinity bits.
Text kurátora Hagaie Segeva k výstavě v AJ:
Absurd wild compositions are in the making on Michael Rowland’s canvases. Something wild unfurls with every Tarot card one picks up and reveals the image, which supposedly came to the mind. Rowland’s fascination with the world of Tarot is at the basis of the new works on show.
Thus, card after card, fate opens with its new image – striking, seductive, disturbing, chilling and mostly – deceiving. Rowland brings this event to the canvases through his paintings. And what might the insight of all this be? There is no insight, no lesson and no teaching – but the twist of fate with which the creator’s mind depicts the images that prick his mind, in the hope that the viewer will arrange the infinity – bit by bit. At the same time one can be content with the disordered turbulence and of genuine chaos.
Discovery and understanding of the world are not the only issues on the artist’s mind – they do not really matter (unlike art theories and their teaching). It is up for the viewer to watch and interpret for himself, understand himself. The private observer has the duty of decoding the course of his/her life and the imagination that operates and activates his existence.
Everything is relative, everything is private or individual and no one will ever solve the query. What is real and what is merely a camouflage of reality is in the features of the conceptions which seem to exist in our minds.
Writes Rowland: „The beat behind the beat that rustles out of that hanging fake, leather bag in spits and spurts in the form of everything humanly possible.
„And there on the table in front of us are all the answers you could hope to see in your most lucid dream to transform into moments.
„Not words, not actions, but moments.“
Hagai Segev, January, 2020