Vernisáž Kate Mareeva: Elements of the World
Do 25.9.2017 bude v coworkingovém centru Locus, Slezská 45, Praha 3, přístupná výstava obrazů ruské malířky Kate Mareevy: Elements of the World.
About „Elements of the world“
Imagine right now that you are the part of a big pattern. Your role is humble and crucial at the same time. You have to be obedient and you have to be brave at the same time. What if we apply this law to all the other little things as well? What if everything obeys and performs its unique role in the universe? My paintings are the patterns in which every color sings its own song, and then altogether they form some bigger else, a story, or an abstract, or a jazz song. Let us be brave and humble, sing our own song and then we will see how life and death sing around us.
Visit Kate’s page on: https://www.facebook.com/