Vernisáž Ivonne Kennedy: Krajiny a podoby
Nejméně do 20.10.2017 bude na Mexickém velvyslanectví, V Jirchářích 10, Praha 1, pro vážné zájemce a pouze po předchozím objednání přístupná výstava obrazů Ivonne Kennedy: Krajiny a podoby.
Mystika, alchymie a symbolika tarotu jsou hlavní inspirací díla malířky a keramičky Ivonne Kennedy z mexického města Oaxaca.
Ivonne Kennedy
She was born in the city of Oaxaca in 1971, where she continues to reside. A painter of classic and architectonic reminiscences in an environment that awards the picturesque folkloric and a supposed mythic-magical vision, her resistance to take on the forms of the inexistent but well-publicized “Oaxacan school of painting” singularizes her as much as the urban iconography which she utilizes in her paintings. Writer Jorge Pech Casanova has written about her work, “Kennedy makes a visual melody with colors. Her iconographic music, subtly monotonic, of choruses reiterated with perseverance like a ritual chant, seeks to induce the spectator toward another reality. In other words, to take the onlooker to other facets of reality: that which should protect the interior dwelling to open itself fully. There is a romantic attitude in this painter that Chirico called il senzo architettonico della pittura antica. In the case of this Oaxacan artist, the architectonic sense is translated into painting with constructive examples that cleanse the new and old traditions. It is important to her to portray interior spaces, those that last in our memory. If modernity, as in any time period, is doomed to ruin, this painter prefers to celebrate the vitality of every construction, and with it rescue in its absence the vividness of each experience that demands our examination.
Since 1988, Ivonne Kennedy has participated group shows in Mexico, the United States, Cuba, Holland, Swedden and Germany. She has one-woman shows in Oaxaca and Mexico City, including Tierra de Arcanos (Galería HB, Mexico City, 1998) Tiempos y Ausencias (Casa de la Cultura de Oaxaca, 2001) and La transparencia del Silencio (Galería “Arte de Oaxaca”, 2001). Construcción de Sueños y Deseos, (Galería Grupo 13, Herzebrok-Clarholz, Germany, 2004).