Martin Fryč
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Vernisáž Gizela Mickiewicz: The Decay of A Day

Do 11.2.2018 bude přístupná v Karlin studios, Prvního pluku 2, Praha 8 (kousek od Florence v objektu bývalých kasáren za Negrelliho viaduktem), výstava Gizely Mickiewicz: The Decay of A Day.

Pro výstavu v Karlin Studios Mickiewicz vytvoří novou sérii objektů z kamene a betonu s použitím chemických látek, které pomalu rozkládají a ničí to, co se zdálo být konečným tvarem soch. V této sérii nejde jen o odhalení chyby a vady, ale o ztrátu jako součást díla. Mickiewicz má zájem o prvky, které přesahují stěny galerie, které nejsou fyzicky přítomné, ale jsou tu reprezentovány ve formě uměleckého objektu. Mezi ně patří především pozornost a paměť diváka a vzdálenost času a prostoru.

Gizela Mickiewicz lives and works in Warsaw, Poland; Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. In her artistic practice she uses a variety of media and forms, including sculpture, installation, drawing. In one of her last sculptural series, the artist works on performative sculptures. The main idea of the series is to construct short-lived installation, the shape of which could make an impression of a finished work, and to prepare a scenario, a choreography for its decay. The initial sculpture is precisely sculpted, artist imposes her own order on materiality, but once the process of decay starts, sculpture is not fully under artist’s control, it is subject to its own, natural order. The artist treats all stages of realisation as a one sculpture in the process, the final outcome of which are planned ruins. “Mickiewicz is interested in elements that extend beyond the walls of the gallery, which are not physically present, or have their representation in the form of an artistic object. This is primarily the attention and memory of the viewer and the distance of time and space”.
Selected solo exhibitions: “To Give, To Take Back, To Leave a Sense of Lack”, Stereo Gallery, Warsaw (2017), “Almost Together, Almost Alone, Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf (2017); “The Next Now”, Galeria Arsenał, Białystok (2016); “Mass and Mood”, Stereo Gallery, Warsaw, (2015); “The Show of Strength”, BWA, Zielona Góra (2013); “Persistent Front”, Frutta Gallery, Rome (2013). Individual presentations at LISTE Art Fair, Basel (2017) and Frieze Art Fair, London (2014). Selected Group exhibitions: “Temporary Store-room – Sculpture”, Plato, Ostrava, XII Baltic Triennal, CAC Kim?, Riga, CAC, Vilnius, “How rare is rare”, project at fifteen, Tel Aviv, “Feet, 4 Walls & Head”, Bureau Gallery, New York, “January Blues”, Frutta Gallery, Rome, “Procedures for the head”, Kunsthalle Bratyslava, “As You Can See: Polish Art Today”, MSN, Warsaw. Residencies: Gasworks, London (2014), Triangle, New York (2016).

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Vernisáž Gizela Mickiewicz: The Decay of A Day