Vernisáž Eduardo Lara: X Times / The Twin Series
Do 20.8.2015 bude v Artěl concept store, Platnéřská 7, Praha 1, přístupná výstava obrazů mexického umělce Eduardo Lary: X Times / The Twin Series.
Eduardo Lara, Mexico City, 1975
Eduardo studied painting and printmaking at the Faculty of Arts and Design of the National University of Mexico (UNAM).
He has done both solo exhibitions as well as participated in several collective exhibitions in Mexico and around the world in countries such as Cuba, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia & Czech Republic, just to mention a few.
He has experience working with various media such as; Printmaking, Painting, Sculpting, Installation Art and Illustration for children’s books.
He first arrived in the Czech Republic in 2003 due a collective exhibition entitled, “Nová Mexická Grafika”, joining young printmaking artists of his generation. He decided to return to Prague a year later to work on a personal project and subsequently decided to stay permanently. As he mentions in an interview, he decided to leave Mexico because he was tired of colours and in Prague he found the perfect balance of black and white.
His most recent work is part of a series entitled, „X krat“ (X times). In this work he approaches to the topic of copying and multiple reproduction, represented by twins, doubles, alter egos, reflections, duality and opposite poles. This specific exhibition reveals a part of his project, „The Twins.“