Vernisáž Antonio Cossa: More than a thousand words
Ve dnech 4. až 9. 10. 2022 se v Tibet Open House v Galerii Školská 28, Praha 1 (vzadu ve dvoře), konala velmi zajímavá výstava fotografií Antonia Cossy: More than a thousand words.
More than a thousand words is a photographic exhibition Project by Antonio Cossa that aims to bring to the public the atmosphere, the scenario and the tension that people face since the beginning of the war in February 24th , especially in the areas recently occupied by the Russian army, Iprin, Bucha, Bodirianka and Kharkiv. This documentary photography work also shows the atrocities committed in the infrastructure and the civilian population, it also portrays the trauma of survivors during the evacuations, but above all it exhibition shows to the public the resilience and courage of the Ukrainian people.
This project is also a tribute to the women and children who survived.
This project is also a tribute to the women and children who survived.
Photojournalist Antonio Cossa is officially accredited by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense since the beginning of the conflict on February 24th.