Martin Fryč
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Vernisáž Andy Allen: Tastes like flowers

9. 6.-30. 6. / Brix Bar & Hostel / Malba

Do 30.6.2016 bude v Brix Bar & Hostelu, Roháčova 15, Praha 3, přístupná výstava obrazů Andyho Allena: Tastes like flowers.

Andy Allen, Born 1989, lives and works in Prague, since graduating he has exhibited extensively throughout the UK and internationally. His Paintings are held in prestigious public and private collections throughout the UK and Abroad Allen continues to explore painting with an emphasis on the key elements of painterly language: materiality, colour and composition. Allen’s work focuses on the process of painting from the initial building of compositions, to their transition into paint. The works take a diverse approach to oil painting investigating different ways of engaging with the viewer, whilst exploring the relationships between architecture, design and the tradition of oil painting.

Source: saatchiart

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Vernisáž Andy Allen: Tastes like flowers