Vernisáž Ali Tareen: Last Exit to Repel Yourself
Do 25.4.2018 bude ve Fashion Bistru, Kostečná 3, Praha 1 (u Staroměstského náměstí), přístupná výstava obrazů a kreseb Ali Tareena (UK): Last Exit to Repel Yourself.
The PR & Marketing manager and curator of Fashion Bistro, Kristina Grigorian has exclusively hand-picked Ali Tareen, a mixed media artist who trained at the prestigious Central Saint Martins art school in London. The purpose of the exhibition is to show a body of work that reflects the human condition in which primal animal instincts and ego still dictate our everyday lives. The pieces have been carefully selected from various periods of Tareen’s Oeuvre as well as several new pieces especially bespoken for this exhibition.
This series formulates a uniformed style of messages that juxtaposes both animal behaviour that becomes a metaphor of the human ego, as well as balancing the aesthetics of detailed lines that Tareen masterfully captures in each of the works.
The exhibition includes paintings, pen and ink drawings, yet also lino cut prints (For more information about the artworks please contact Kristina Grigorian – kristina@fashionbistro.cz)