Vernisáž Adrian Aregger: Solaris 2D and other research
Do 31.8.2015 bude v 1. patře paláce Lažanských, budova FAMU, galerie Panel, Smetanovo nábřeží 2, Praha 1, přístupná výstava – instalace – studenta Katedry fotografie FAMU Adriana Areggera: Solaris 2D and other research.
Kurátor: Pavel Vančát
Adrian Aregger has an urge to think about the way how we percieve photography in the most possibly abstract way. He loves to develop theories about the way the cameras simplify and compress our idea of reality and he plays around with our physical conditions as an ilusionist, juggling with dimensions, spaces and times. The more abstract we get, the more suprising results we obtain. So his „supertheory of photography“ ends up in a single black dot. Once we know enough and we prove it, we can employ it further: translating each scene of Tarkovskys famed movie into single dreamy stills shows us what we lose if we subtract time from our perception and how weirdly beautiful it may be to flow into a new, two-dimensional space.