Martin Fryč
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Jednovečerní výstava a vernisáž Nancy Susan McCormack: Hot pursuit

11.12.2015 se v Běhal Fejér Institute – Prvorepublikové vile, Pevnostní 8, Praha 6, konala jednovečerní výstava a vernisáž Nancy Susan McCormack: Hot pursuit.

Nancy Susan McCormack is a visual artist based in Ankara, Turkey where she teaches Printmaking and Visual Culture at Bilkent University. Nancy’s work deals with issues concerning constructed identity, both personal and cultural meanwhile highlighting the theatricality at the heart of this process. On her first exhibition in the Czech Republic Nancy presented new works based on the process of appropriating and reconstructing the self in relation to what it means to be a global citizen.

Fotografie z výstavy

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Jednovečerní výstava a vernisáž Nancy Susan McCormack: Hot pursuit