Martin Fryč
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Vernisáž výstavy obrazů malířky Ordo Amoris: Not of the mind

Do 30.9.2020 bude v Muzeu stará čistírna odpadních vod – Ekotechnickém muzeu, Papírenská 6, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, přístupná krásná výstava abstraktních obrazů malířky Ordo Amoris.

Malířka Ordo Amoris (vlastním jménem Ivana Sucháčová) ve svých dílech vytváří vlastní svět, přičemž se snaží čelit naučeným vzorcům myšlení a soustředit se co možná nejvíce na přítomnost. Během výtvarného procesu bedlivě naslouchá svému „já“ a dává tak vzniknout fascinujícím abstraktním obrazům plným emocí. Tvorba Ordo Amoris vyjadřuje svobodný proces tvorby a zachycuje pocity umělkyně, namísto reprodukce reality či komunikace jasně dané myšlenky. Její obrazy je možno zahlédnou v řadě muzeí a galerií v Thajsku a na Bali, či v soukromých sbírkách milovníků umění z Prahy, Londýna, Mnichova, Slovenska, USA, Thajska a Bali. Malířčina díla jsou též součástí přední světové online galerie Saatchi Art.

Text k výstavě v AJ:

The act of going beyond what is usually known and thought either in perceptions or creations can be understood, as Ordo Amoris reflects, as an invitation to a space that the mind would name “the miracles”. Devoid of all that makes us feel comfortable in the familiar, the space of freedom occurs where all that is is in a pure unconditional creation. Either to create it or to perceive it, by ignoring the habitual responses or unconscious thoughts, Ordo Amoris creates the frequency of being where there is the clarity of doing in so-called non-doing, where all that is provides the space into the unknown and to a priori freedom. “I study the space where questions and subsequent conversations arise between the universal energies of something considered, as an intention, the primary source of all the movement in the Universe, and on the other hand the freedom as the energy a priori inherent in all that is.” What is to go on the canvas, she reflects, is not a picture, nor an idea, not the event, but that “what is”. “I do not have tendencies to name my work abstract. The works without conceptions are not my projections, nor expressions, it has nothing to do with myself, nor my feelings. It is not self-projected, the self is not even there. It is something beyond all experiencing as we know it.” The work, with its ethereal organic forms that are not conditioned yet are not automatic arising from subconscious, are rather a fluent transcendence of all that is, even itself. Being metaphysical in scope it can serve as a juxtaposition between that which we are conditioned to know and to think and that which comes from a priori freedom. Is it not, then, the dissolved self in all that is without its hints or tendencies and freely moving in a gap in between thoughts, the truest essence of its own? The question is not here to be answered. Ordo Amoris believes that „in our willingness to step into the unknown, the wisdom of uncertainty, where the freedom from our conditioning lies, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe.”

Fotografie z výstavy

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Vernisáž výstavy obrazů malířky Ordo Amoris: Not of the mind