Martin Fryč
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Vernisáž Design Discovery—SIPF Poster Exhibition

24. 4.-27. 4. / Galerie ABF / Grafický design

Pouze do 27.4.2019 bude v Galerii Nadace ABF, Václavské náměstí 31, Praha 1, (vzadu v průjezdu) přístupná zajímavá výstava plakátů SIPF.

je ke zhlédnutí na 80 plakátů světových tvůrců, a to:
1/ Oceněné plakáty z bienále SIPF / Shenzhen International Poster Festival 2018
2/ Plakáty z mezinárodní akce/výstavy Hakka Impression International Invitation Exhibition 2018.

Výstavu spolupořádá Bienále Brno (SBB). Na vernisáži došlo k podpisu rámcové dohody o spolupráci mezi SIPF a SBB (Pingbo Chen – předseda SIPF, Jan Rajlich – předseda SBB).

Design Discovery——SIPF Tour Exhibition in Prague, Czech is a cultural exchange project supported by the Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee and The Promotion Office of Shenzhen City of Design. It is another creation design exchange event in Europe after Shenzhen International Poster Festival Tour Exhibition in Poland, the United States and Korea.

There are two exhibition units in SIPF Tour Exhibition in Czech. Of which, the unit of the Award-winning posters of 2018 SIPF present the pieces that are discovered under the general outline of Shenzhen International Poster Festival, which are both excellent in terms of aesthetics and innovation, connotation, concept and practical effects, representing the global latest design concepts and outstanding works of art in the field of visual communication.

In addition, some of the works of the 3rd Shenzhen International Poster Festival Special Exhibition “Hakka Impression International Poster Invitation Exhibition” will make its series debute in Prague, Czech Republic. Designers from all over the world jointly explore the contemporary value of Chinese traditional culture under the world’s multiculturalism in form of poster.

Hosted by: Shenzhen International Culture Exchange Association
Organizer: Shenzhen International Poster Festival Organizing Committee
Co-organizer: Brno Biennale Association

Support by:
Shenzhen Guanshanyue Art Museum
Red Cube Public Art Museum
Shenzhen Poster Design Association
Taiwan Poster Design Association
Macau Poster Design Association
Shenzhen Illustrations Association
Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
University of Art in Poznan
Asia China and Korea Association

Fotografie z výstavy

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Vernisáž Design Discovery—SIPF Poster Exhibition